Oh dears, she's wandered a little far from home in her quest.
Moon to Earth shots are always really neat to see, I like the attention to detail with the highlight on one side.
Oh dears, she's wandered a little far from home in her quest.
Moon to Earth shots are always really neat to see, I like the attention to detail with the highlight on one side.
Ah no 10 years?!
Was such a wild show, I really enjoyed it back in the day.
Like the picture, I'm impressed you fitted in so many of the characters.
I like the honesty of the cookie.
The last one I got very boldly said I would "Rise to the highest possible rank in my career" Which is like, yeah as if.
Yeah, they're always overly optmistic. Still, rising a rank or two might happen one day, who knows?
I like the 3 panel format too illustrate a sense of dodging.
I see you've done that for all of them but I think it works very well for an verb word.
Looking forward to seeing what else you do this month!
Your art's really good, and I love how this has all linked to one long adventure this character is having. Very neat.
I was stuck on gold for a while as yeah how do you bring across something as golden when it's a black and white image?
I've gone for a bit more of a metaphorical angle, I think your right in not taking things too literal, doing a golden retriever was smart, think she came out quite well you did the floppy ears just right.
Yeah, I usually have a problem with taking things literally, so I struggle a bit to think outside the box sometimes. That's why I find inktober to be a good exercise, as well as a challenge.
Also thank you, glad you like it!
Love it!
Jester reaper mix is a neat concept!
I like how this follows up from the last one!
Again nice detail on things like the Armor, and the motion lines on the monsters fist are nicely done.
Personally, I think I could have done better with the motion lines. But oh well, I always see things I could improve on, even though they may already look good in other's eyes.
Glad you like it, thanks!
Very nice!
You put a lot of work into the small touches, like the scales on his armour, it's impressive.
What do you use for these?
Thank you!
For the general lineart and for the details I used a 01 fineliner.
The ones from Sakura are really good.
Very nice!
Also Creepy AF.
Hobbyist drawer, interests, gamming, table top RPG games (D&D, Mutants & Masterminds), anime, cartoons, graphic novels, sci-fi and horror movies.
Joined on 11/12/22